Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Triptych defintion

A picture on three pannels usually put together to be used as an altarpiece.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Triangle of Exposure

ISO: measures the sensitivity of image sensor.
Aperture: lets in a certain amount of light.
Exposure: amount of light allowed to fall on each area unit of a photographic medium
Shutter Speed: amount of time that the shutter is open
Depth of field: the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp
Motion Blur: capturing movement in a photograph
Noise & Light Sensitivity: the image sensor's sensitivity to graininess and brightness


Monday, September 24, 2012

Print Vs. Digital

1.  Camera is cheaper
2.  So Memory card needed
3.  Higher resolution
4.  Easier to focus
5.  Forgiving to exposure problems

1.  Can't see picture after taking it, like with a digital camera.
2.  Films are expensive
3.  To develop the Negatives are expensive.
4.  Chemicals to develop are harsh to the environment.
5.  Takes a lot of work to get a photo developed.

1.  Easy to take a picture
2.  Can choose which photo you want to print
3.  No  harsh chemicals needed
4.  Photos shared easily
5.  Can retake a picture if needed

1.  Cameras are expensive
2.  Memory Card expensive
3.  Need a Computer to upload photos
4.  Need Batteries
5.  Very Complex


Cubist Photo Project